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Sunday, 11 November 2012


November 11, 2012 0 Comments
You know how sometimes you get bouts of nightmare on certain nights.... and you wake up feeling like your mind was really active but you're so physically dead tired that you usually just fall back asleep right away? Most of the time you don't really recall what you dreamt of. Even so, it is usually just bits and pieces...

Monday, 1 October 2012

National Geographic Experience

October 01, 2012 0 Comments
So the next day we went to Pilanesburg to hunt some wild animals. It was a darn long ride out of the city area in Jo'burg and it's really interesting seeing the transition from city life to squatters and slums. The transition is like almost immediate. Some of these slums don't have electricity nor proper sanitation. Our...

Saturday, 15 September 2012

To the land of Madagascar!

September 15, 2012 0 Comments
Okay, to Johannesburg. Not quite the same as Madagascar the country... but most people think of Madagascar the movie anyway. Jo'burg has GOT TO BE MY BEST EXPERIENCE SO FAR! It is sooooooooo cool because who would expect South Africa to be so fun?! Honestly, what do you imagine when South Africa comes to mind? I thought...

Monday, 30 July 2012


July 30, 2012 0 Comments
Copenhagen! My virgin experience in Europe. :D Gosh, I was really blown away by the architecture. For one that's never been to Europe, I think it's really the architecture that impresses you the most. Everything around you is just so magnificent. I felt like all the buildings were so beautiful and you could see one after...
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